Venice Iron Works

Venice Iron Works



SIZE: 2,560 SQ FT

OPENING: Under construction

PROGRAM: Commercial

vertical racing car display 

TRS Racing is an automotive shop for high-end vintage race cars catering primarily celebrity clients in Los Angeles. Beyond the remodel and modernization of the existing shop facilities and offices, a signature display was created by using eight stacked cargo shipping containers towering over the street.

When completed, finished racing cars will be hoisted and parked in the individual boxes for display and advertising, before being picked up by their customers. The display tower will be clearly visible in spite of the traffic intense Lincoln Avenue.



Container design has been a particularly intriguing concept to us for a very long time. Starting with the Topanga Container Residence, designed by Christof Jantzen for his family, the passion and inquiry for the endless possibilities of this form of construction has evolved in numerous studies ranging from single and multi-family residences, to mobile coffee-shops.

When approaching a design with a specific material or product in mind, we are able to focus our efforts in innovative solutions that respect and respond to the opportunities and challenges at hand. Instead of switching to different alternatives, we are invited to speculate solutions that might otherwise have never been brought to light. This, in turn, has lead to creative outcomes that has further reinforced our passion for this mobile construction type.

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